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I'm a woman entering "the third chapter" and fascinated by the journey.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

And a good time was had by all

at today's Earth Day event in Marietta, the first of four in which our college's Environmental Action Group will be involved. Today's event was child-friendly, geared toward enjoying the world around us more than worrying about threats to so many of the things we love, but sometimes, that's a good thing.

Attendees could learn about the freshwater mussels in our area
 along with other aquatic critters, courtesy of a local museum and a National Wildlife Refuge.

Those brave enough to look could see a complete snake skeleton.

A local watershed protection organization was raffling off an original quilt depicting one of our rivers

 while the person at the table next to ours helped people create masonry bee houses to take home.
A raptor rehabilitation organization brought along a handsome barred owl
and a tiny American kestrel, along with a turkey
 vulture, whom I managed not to photograph.

There was even a contest to see who could make the coolest items out of the sweet gum balls that every year make walking the downtown streets hazardous. Here were two of my favorites of today's offerings:

As the event being held at the Art Center next Saturday indicates, every day should be Earth Day (especially when it's this much fun).

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