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I'm a woman entering "the third chapter" and fascinated by the journey.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The last flower of 2017

For three years now, this aster has been the last flower blooming in our yard. This photo was taken today, November 18th, following at least one hard frost that left ice on the cars.

Have not seen any pollinators for a week or so, but this little beauty is waiting for them.

The plant has been tentatively identified as Short's aster, Symphyotrichum shortii, but plants with this flower have demonstrated a variety of leaf shapes and sizes around here, leading me to ID it variously as large-leafed aster, sky-blue aster, and arrow-leafed aster, depending on what the leaves of that particular plant have decided to do. Since all are volunteers, some in sidewalk cracks, and all are native to this area, we could have all four showing up. Or perhaps they have been getting friendly with one another, as is the way of many compositae. Who knows?

All of the plants are important nectar sources for fall bees and butterflies, as well as seed sources for birds. They are also indestructible, asking for nothing from humans save to be left alone to grow. Last year, one was blooming near the library of December 1.

It will be interesting to see how long this little guy keeps going.

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